In today’s judgment the European High Court (EuGH) made clear, that a EU member has the right to refuse welfare payments (housing and benefits) to migrants from other EU member states in certain circumstances.
The European High Court had to rule out a case of a younger woman, married, unable to work due to care of three kids.
This bitter ruling might seen to be fair in legal terms, however, it is rather unsocial and in fact a slap into the face of migrants. It is well known that migrants are already at a disadvantage when choosing a career and in a search of a job – do we need make life even more difficult ?
The questions is, if this is the European Union we want to see and, even more important; is this ruling a hidden permission to undermine Art. 21 and 45 AEUV ?
We are curious to read the Court Ruling in detail.
TAXEDO, 11.11.2014